"Every Body is different. Let's find what works for you."  

What is Kreate?

Kat has been an artist since the tender age of three. From drawing fashions in kindergarten to choreographing in high school, Art has always been a passion for her. The most used medium is the body, however, she has alway been a artist by nature. The world Is filled with beauty and humans have the ability to make more while respecting what resides on the earth. Kreate is a space to release and explore. 

The work you may see that has been created is choreography, Klothes (UPcycled clothing), and visual art. Why be limited to what could be. Within Kreate. one may find peace and tranquilly in discoing their own unorthodox outlook on creation. Everything made by create is used with the planet in mind first. How can we use what is already here without damaging our habitat. Some supplies are bought new, however what ever can be done to Reduce, ReUse and Recycle is   a way to respect Gaia. 

​Kreate can be brought to all ages to